hertz Update

A lot of work has been going on hertz – wise recently.

Unlimited has offered  co-commissioning funding for a tour linked to Seasons for Change which is very exciting. So I have been beavering away to drum up business and develop the prototypes. If you are interested in co-commissioning hertz I would be very pleased to here from you!

I have been doing some professional development at 101 in Newbury, a wonderful place if you are interested in making work for the outside check them out. It’s a Willy Wonker’s factory for creatives.

I will be on a panel talking about cross sector collaboration on the 23rd March at The Attenborough Centre where I will be also showing the prototype which allows you to hear and experience the very low inaudible symphony of our planet. We have been working to be able to do that in realtime and will be showcasing that aspect on the 23rd.

The prototype which allows you to hear the sound of the stars and see the patterns their frequencies make is being worked on so that it can be shown at an After Hours event at We The Curious in Bristol on the 19th April so if you can do come and enjoy a fascinating and fun evening.

lastly for now but not least I am finally posting the article about hertz written for Disability Arts Online, the latest picture of the star machine at 101 and a clip of Graeme Marlton’s reaction to experiencing the infra sound of a summer storm 100 kilometres off the coast. You can’t hear the deep noise through computer speakers you can only experience and hear them through a large low frequency sub woofer speaker.

For the article about hertz click here

For Graeme experiencing the summer storm click here

Below, images of the professional development at 101, a close up of sand patterns of star frequencies and the new adjustable tripod legs. Hmm, should we sand blast them back to the metal or spray paint? decisions, decisions….